
Subject-based activities (Special Features) Interactive Whiteboard

Our school has successfully bid a QEF to purchase interactive whiteboards this year as a means to foster students’ interest in learning. Eight whiteboards and teaching software have been installed in eight classrooms.  Students are given opportunities to practice English in diverse ways. They can complete interactive quizzes, matching, sequencing games using the whiteboards. The multi-function whiteboards also allow students to compete against each other after learning grammar items.  Interactive whiteboard provides various ways to engage students in their learning. It makes learning English more fun and engaging.

Virtual Reality

Our school has purchased 40 VR headsets, together with joysticks and hand cubes, which are used in our English lessons to enrich students’ learning experiences. When they are wearing the headsets, they can travel around the world to see different attractions, dive into the deep ocean to swim with sharks, or even enter the human’s body to understand how different organs work. They can even create their own VR scenes and share with my classmates. We are planning VR lessons which integrate with the themes in our curriculum, so as to consolidate their understanding on key concepts while boosting their motivations.

English Speaking Day

Every Thursday is our school’s English Speaking Day. At the beginning of the academic year, students were given stamp sheets to collect stamps from teachers or English ambassadors.  Students can earn stamps by chatting with teachers or English ambassadors in English during recess. To further boost the motivation of students, this year, the school introduces some more interesting English activities. During lunch recess, students can participate in the activities in English Room with English ambassadors and our NET teacher.  Students were delighted and cherished the opportunities to speak English.  After completing 3 stamp sheets, students will be rewarded with a grand prize.
