Aims and Objectives
1. To provide students with positive English language experiences and create a stimulating environment to enhance students' interest in English.
2. To develop a reading culture in school. To motivate students to read for pleasure
3. To provide them with the necessary guidance to improve their reading skills and opportunities to read more.
4. To expose students with different text types throughout the year.
Key Stage 1
- develop an awareness and an enjoyment of the basic sound patterns of English.
- comprehend simple narrative texts and respond using oral, written and performative means, such as making predictions and guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- engage in extensive reading by reading simple story books
- brainstorm ideas and use a variety of sentence structures to engage in simple descriptive and narrative writing.
- build a repertoire of sight words that are used in their daily life contexts
- be confident to initiate conversations with others using simple expressions
Key Stage 2
- speak in fluent English, with an awareness to speaking skills, such as intonations, stress and rhythm.
- comprehend various text-types and apply advanced reading skills to understand the gist of the passages, such as inferencing and summarization.
- express their ideas in a variety of genres, like stories, letters, information reports, diaries and film reviews
- engage in self-learning to expand their vocabulary repertoire
- develop a regular habit to engage in extensive reading, by reading novels and non-fictions.
School Major Concerns 2021 – 2024
- To enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
- To promote positive mindset among students